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Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.
Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.
Author Researcher
Author Researcher

My Articles in Analog​

"A Very Useful Exoplanet"
September / October 2022
A 1943 article in Astounding about the discovery of an exoplanet was followed 10 years later by a novel and another article that described the science behind the story.
"Words, Music, and Information"
May / June 2023
Looks at four Astounding articles written by John R. Pierce that presented various aspects of the work of his friend, Claude Shannon, the creator of Information Theory.

"Campbell and the Monopole"
September / October 2023
Looks at a 1944 article in which Campbell presented the experiments of a refugee Austrian physicist who claimed that his results proved the existence of the magnetic monopole.

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